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Migration Guide

General Migration notes

  • isLimited flag has been removed in favor of allApps flag. They essentially mean the opposite thing.
  • Deleting messages is no longer possible
  • Messages are now stored on notify server and can be paged
  • Registration is more flexible since it is now split into 2 functions

Migrating from 0.x to 1.0.0

For developers using @web3inbox/core without the hooks, there are far less breaking changes.

Managing registration

Registration is now split into 2 steps to avoid the opinionated approach of passing onSign callback.

import { useSignMessage } from '@wagmi'
const { signMessageAsync } = useSignMessage()

const { registerParams, message } = client.prepareRegistration({ account: 'eip155:1:0x..' })
const signature = await signMessageAsync(message)
client.register({ registerParams, signature })

Managing Notifications

  • deleteMessage has been removed.
  • pageNotifications has been added to allow paging notifications